A simple calculator accepts the following types of strings as input:
num + num
num - num
num * num
num / num
where num is
a positive integer between 1 and 10000 inclusive.
Find the value
produced by the given expression. Here +, -, *, and / denote addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division respectively. All operations are performed
on integers, so “5 / 3” is 1.
Input. One
string that a simple calculator accepts.
Output. Print the result of the given expression.
Sample input 1 |
Sample output 1 |
3 * 12 |
36 |
Sample input 2 |
Sample output 2 |
16 + 45 |
61 |
The given
example is read as a sequence of three tokens: number symbol number. Calculate the answer depending on the arithmetic
Read the input data.
scanf("%d %c %d",&a,&c,&b);
Compute the
answer depending on the arithmetic operation.
if (c == '+') res = a + b;
if (c == '-') res = a - b;
if (c == '*') res = a * b;
if (c == '/') res = a / b;
Print the answer.
implementation – sscanf / sprintf
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
char s[100];
int a, b, res;
char c;
int main(void)
sscanf(s, "%d %c %d", &a,
&c, &b);
if (c == '+') res = a
+ b;
if (c == '-') res = a
- b;
if (c == '*') res = a
* b;
if (c == '/') res = a
/ b;
sprintf(s, "%d", res);
return 0;
Algorithm implementation – STL
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int a, b, res;
char c;
int main(void)
cin >> a >> c >> b;
if (c == '+') res = a
+ b;
if (c == '-') res = a
- b;
if (c == '*') res = a
* b;
if (c == '/') res = a
/ b;
cout << res << endl;
return 0;
Algorithm implementation – switch
#include <stdio.h>
int a, b, res;
char c;
int main(void)
scanf("%d %c %d", &a,
&c, &b);
switch (c)
case '+':
res = a + b;
case '-':
res = a - b;
case '*':
res = a * b;
case '/':
res = a / b;
printf("%d\n", res);
return 0;
Java implementation
import java.util.*;
public class Main
public static void
main(String[] args)
Scanner con = new
int a = con.nextInt();
String ch = con.next();
int b = con.nextInt();
int res = 0;
if (ch.equals("+")) res = a + b;
if (ch.equals("-")) res = a - b;
if (ch.equals("*")) res = a * b;
if (ch.equals("/")) res = a / b;
Java implementation – switch
import java.util.*;
public class Main
public static void
main(String[] args)
Scanner con = new
int a = con.nextInt();
String ch = con.next();
int b = con.nextInt();
int res = 0;
switch (ch)
case "+": res = a + b; break;
case "-": res = a - b; break;
case "*": res = a * b; break;
case "/": res = a / b; break;
Java implementation – class,
version 1
import java.util.*;
class Number
private int n;
Number(int n)
this.n = n;
public int
return n;
public void Add(int a)
n += a;
public void Minus(int a)
n -= a;
public void Multiply(int a)
n *= a;
public void Divide(int a)
n /= a;
public class Main
public static void
main(String[] args)
Scanner con = new
int a = con.nextInt();
String ch = con.next();
int b = con.nextInt();
Number n = new Number(a);
if (ch.equals("+")) n.Add(b);
if (ch.equals("-")) n.Minus(b);
if (ch.equals("*")) n.Multiply(b);
if (ch.equals("/")) n.Divide(b);
Java implementation – class,
version 2
import java.util.*;
class Number
private int n;
this.n = 0;
Number(int n)
this.n = n;
public int
return n;
public Number
Add(int a)
return new Number(n + a);
public Number
Minus(int a)
return new Number(n - a);
public Number
Multiply(int a)
return new Number(n * a);
public Number
Divide(int a)
return new Number(n / a);
public class Main
public static void
main(String[] args)
Scanner con = new
int a = con.nextInt();
String ch = con.next();
int b = con.nextInt();
Number n = new Number(a);
Number res = new Number();
if (ch.equals("+")) res = n.Add(b);
if (ch.equals("-")) res = n.Minus(b);
if (ch.equals("*")) res = n.Multiply(b);
if (ch.equals("/")) res = n.Divide(b);
Python implementation
Read the input data.
a, sign, b = input().split()
a = int(a)
b = int(b)
Compute the
answer depending on the arithmetic operation.
if sign == "+":
res = a + b
if sign == "-":
res = a – b
if sign == "*":
res = a * b
if sign == "/":
res = a // b
Print the answer.